Tages i Söndraby, Oppmannavägen 480, 291 57 Arkelstorp, 070-537 13 89, [email protected]


Abalone Pearl Abalone Pearl

Abalone Pearl

129 kr
Class Act Class Act

Class Act

199 kr
Coral Charm Coral Charm

Coral Charm

129 kr
Coral Supreme Coral Supreme

Coral Supreme

129 kr
Dillpion, Paeonia Tenuifolia Dillpion, Paeonia Tenuifolia
Do Tell Do Tell

Do Tell

169 kr
Garden Treasure Garden Treasure
Itoh "Bartzella" Itoh "Bartzella"
Itoh "Callies Memory" Itoh "Callies Memory"
Itoh-pion "Old Rose Dandy" Itoh-pion "Old Rose Dandy"
Itoh-pion "Pink Ardour" Itoh-pion "Pink Ardour"
Itoh-pion Hillary Itoh-pion Hillary
King's Day/ Coral Beach King's Day/ Coral Beach
Krinkled White Krinkled White
Lois Choice Lois Choice

Lois Choice

1 199 kr
Luktpion "Duchesse de Nemours" Luktpion "Duchesse de Nemours"
Lutea Hybrid "Marchioness" Lutea Hybrid "Marchioness"
Miss America Miss America

Miss America

69 kr
Mother´s Choice Mother´s Choice
Nick Shaylor Nick Shaylor

Nick Shaylor

139 kr
Odile Odile


269 kr
P officinalis Anemoniflora P officinalis Anemoniflora
Pion itoh "Cora Louise" Pion itoh "Cora Louise"
Pion Madame Calot Pion Madame Calot
Pion Nancy Nora Pion Nancy Nora
Salmon Chiffon Salmon Chiffon
The Fawn The Fawn

The Fawn

89 kr